Special Track on
Interdisciplinary Research, Education, and Communication: IDREC 2025©
in the context of
The 16th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC 2025©
March 25 - 28, 2025  ~  Virtual Conference
Organized by IIIS
in Orlando, Florida, USA.
*** Registered authors can download their conference materials (receipt, certificate, and Proceedings) by clicking here. ***

  Program Committee

The Program Committee is mostly formed by 1) the authors of the sessions' best papers of IDREC 2024 ; 2) its effective invited session organizers who also were co-editors of the conference proceedings; and 3) some members of past IIIS Conferences, who were also authors of best papers. (Those who manifested no interest in participating in the Program Committee have been removed).

Aquino Lopes, Renato de (Brazil) Federal University of Uberlandia
Baracho, Renata Maria Abrantes (Brazil) Federal University of Minas Gerais
Benedicenti, Luigi (Canada) University of Regina
Bernardino, Jorge (Portugal) Coimbra Institute of Engineering
Bönke, Dietmar (Germany) Reutlingen University
Burnett, Andrea (Barbados) University of the West Indies
Cardoso, Alexandre (Brazil) Federal University of Uberlandia
Chen, Lisa Y. (Taiwan) I-Shou University
Chen, Jing-Chao (China) Donghua University
Curran, Kevin (United Kingdom) University of Ulster
Demestichas, Konstantinos (Greece) National Technical University of Athens
Eshragh, Sepideh (United States) University of Delaware
Haba, Cristian-Gyözö (Romania) "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iași
Horne, Jeremy (United States) Maricopa Community College
Iembo, Rosanna (Italy) University of Calabria
Kim, Kyungdeok (South Korea) Uiduk University
Koleva, Maria (Bulgaria) Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Marino, Mark (United States) Erie County Community College
Marlowe, Thomas (United States) Seton Hall University
Mascari, Jean-François (Italy) National Research Council Italy
Masuko, Mayumi (Japan) Waseda University
Mbobi, Aime Mokhoo (Canada) Centennial College
Ophir, Dan (Israel) Ariel University Center of Samaria
Poobrasert, Onintra (Thailand) National Electronics and Computer Technology Center
Sala, Nicoletta (Switzerland) University of Italian Switzerland Largo Bernasconi
Shin, Jungpil (Japan) University of Aizu
Stasytyte, Viktorija (Lithuania) Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Sun, Baolin (China) Wuhan University
Tchier, Fairouz (United States) King Saud University
Vasinek, Vladimir (Czech Republic) Technical University of Ostrava
Vrána, Stanislav (Czech Republic) Czech Technical University in Prague
Waters, David J. (United States) Purdue University
Zelinka, Tomas (Czech Republic) Czech Technical University in Prague
Zhang, Xiaozheng Jane (United States) California Polytechnic State University

   Special Tracks

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