The following list of reviewers is for double-blind reviewing from which reviewers are selected at random for the review of each submission. The reviewers of this list ARE NOT for non-blind reviewing. Authors should not suggest any of the reviewers of this list as colleagues for the non-blind, non-anonymous, review of their articles, unless one of them is a colleague they know and the author contacted the reviewer BEFORE suggesting his/her name, as required for our two-tier reviewing methodology. A brief description of our two-tier reviewing methodology has been posted here.
Abd El-Aziem, Mostafa |
(Egypt) |
Arab Academy for Science and Technology |
Abdelkader, Benyettou |
(Algeria) |
University of Sciences and Technology of Oran |
Abideen, Sainul |
(India) |
Indian Institute of Information Technology |
Abou-Mesalam, Mamdouh |
(Egypt) |
Atomic Energy Authority |
Acharya, Sushil |
(United States) |
Robert Morris University |
Adamopoulou, Evgenia |
(Greece) |
National Technical University of Athens |
Adascalitei, Adrian |
(Romania) |
"Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi |
Afandizadeh Zargari, Shahriar |
(Iran) |
Iran University of Science and Technology |
Agarwal, Sachin |
(United States) |
Carnegie Mellon University |
Ahmed, Boutejdar |
(Germany) |
University of Magdeburg |
Aito, Emmanuel |
(Canada) |
University of Regina |
Aksoy, M. S. |
(Saudi Arabia) |
King Saud University |
Al Obaidy, Mohaned |
(Oman) |
Gulf College |
Alam, Hassan |
(United States) |
BCL Technologies Inc. |
Alhayyan, Khalid N. |
(United States) |
University of South Florida |
Ammann, Walter J. |
(Switzerland) |
Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research |
Anantharaj, Valentine |
(United States) |
Mississippi State University |
Andina, Diego |
(Spain) |
Polytechnic University of Madrid |
Andreadis, Ioannis |
(Greece) |
Demokritos University of Thrace |
Andreopoulou, Zacharoula S. |
(Greece) |
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Anunciacão, Pedro |
(Portugal) |
Polytechnic Institute of Setubal |
Arikan, Emin |
(United States) |
Montclair State University |
Armendáriz-Íñigo, José E. |
(Spain) |
Public University of Navarra |
Ascoli, Aurelio |
(Italy) |
University of Milan |
Astakhov, Vadim |
(United States) |
University of California San Diego |
Aveledo, Marianella |
(Spain) |
Universidad Simon Bolivar |
Ayala, Claudia |
(Spain) |
Technical University of Catalunya |
Aznakayev, Emir |
(Ukraine) |
National Aviation University |
Baessler, Ralph |
(Germany) |
Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing |
Balasundaram, S. R. |
(India) |
National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli |
Bani Yassein, Muneer |
(Jordan) |
Jordan University of Science and Technology |
Baracho, Renata Maria Abrantes |
(Brazil) |
Federal University of Minas Gerais |
Bataineh, Emad |
(United Arab Emirates) |
Zayed University |
Beel, Jöran |
(Germany) |
Otto von Guericke University |
Benbouziane, Mohamed |
(Algeria) |
University of Tlemcen |
Bernardino, Jorge |
(Portugal) |
Institute of Engineering of Coimbra |
Berndt, Donald J. |
(United States) |
University of South Florida |
Bhat, Talapady N. |
(United States) |
National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Bhattacharya, Abhijit |
(India) |
Centre for Studies in Social Sciences |
Bhattacharyya, Dhruba K. |
(India) |
Tezpur University |
Bisht, Anil Kumar |
(India) |
Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University, Bareilly |
Bojcetic, Nenad |
(Croatia) |
University of Zagreb |
Boklund, Andreas |
(Sweden) |
University West |
Bolboaca, Sorana Daniela |
(Romania) |
"Iuliu Hațieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy |
Bönke, Dietmar |
(Germany) |
Reutlingen University |
Botto, Todd |
(United States) |
Quinnipiac University |
Bradbury, Kyle J. |
(United States) |
Tufts University |
Branski, L. K. |
(United States) |
University of Texas Medical Branch |
Bubnov, Alexej |
(Czech Republic) |
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |
Burke, David |
(United States) |
Robert Morris University |
Burton, Gideon O. |
(United States) |
Brigham Young University |
Camara, Boubacar |
(Gabon) |
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization |
Cappellini, Alessandro |
(Italy) |
University of Turin |
Cárdenas, Henry E. |
(United States) |
Louisiana Tech University |
Cardoso, Eduardo |
(Mexico) |
Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education |
Carrasquero, José Vicente |
(Venezuela) |
Simon Bolivar University |
Castro, Eduardo |
(Argentina) |
National University of La Plata |
Chae, Hui Soo |
(United States) |
Columbia University |
Chahir, Youssef |
(France) |
University of Caen |
Chang, Wen-Kui |
(Taiwan) |
Tunghai University |
Chao, Hui-Mei |
(Taiwan) |
Kao Yuan University |
Chen, Jing-Chao |
(China) |
Donghua University |
Chen, Shih-Chih |
(Taiwan) |
National Taiwan University |
Chen, Tuan-Chih |
(Taiwan) |
Chinese Institute of Technology |
Chen, Yi-Chun |
(Taiwan) |
Tatung University |
Chen, Yuhua |
(United States) |
University of Houston |
Cheng, Kuo-Sheng |
(Taiwan) |
National Cheng-Kung University |
Cherinka, Robert |
(United States) |
The MITRE Corporation |
Chickerur, Satyadhyan |
(India) |
B.V. Bhoomaraddi College of Engineering &
Technology |
Chin Wei, Bong Wendy |
(Malaysia) |
University Malaysia Sarawak |
Chipman, Patrick |
(United States) |
University of Memphis |
Cho, Kyoung-Rok |
(South Korea) |
Chungbuk National University |
Choi, Shin Young |
(South Korea) |
Chookittikul, Wajee |
(Thailand) |
Webster University Thailand |
Chou, Hsueh-Cheng |
(Taiwan) |
National Taiwan Normal University |
Chou, Tung-Hsiang |
(Taiwan) |
National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology
Cipolla Ficarra, Francisco |
(Italy) |
Latin Association of Human-Computer Interaction |
Coffman, Michael G. |
(United States) |
Souther Illinois University Carbondale |
Colapinto, Cinzia |
(Italy) |
University of Milan |
Coltell, Oscar |
(Spain) |
Universitat Jaume I |
Contreras, Sebastián |
(Colombia) |
University of the Andes |
Corcuera, Pedro |
(Spain) |
University of Cantabria |
Crudele, Michele |
(Italy) |
University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome |
Curran, Kevin |
(United Kingdom) |
University of Ulster |
Dakshanamurthy, Sivanesan |
(United States) |
Georgetown University |
Danihelka, Pavel |
(Czech Republic) |
Technical University Ostrava |
Dardzinska, Agnieszka |
(Poland) |
Bialystok Technical University |
De Volder, Dennis |
(United States) |
Western Illinois University |
Debnath, Rameswar |
(Japan) |
Neuroscience Research Institute |
Debono, Carl James |
(Malta) |
University of Malta |
Del Cerro, Gerardo |
(United States) |
The Cooper Union |
Del Río, Antonio |
(Mexico) |
National Autonomous University of Mexico |
Demirbilek, Muhammet |
(Turkey) |
Suleyman Demirel University |
Desa, Shakinaz |
(Malaysia) |
Sultan Idris University of Education |
Dhall, Sudarshan |
(United States) |
University of Oklahoma |
Diallo, Saikou Y. |
(United States) |
Old Dominion University |
Dolan, Dan |
(United States) |
South Dakota School of Mines & Technology |
Donko, Dzenana |
(Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
University of Sarajevo |
Dulic, Aleksandra |
(Canada) |
The University of British Columbia |
Dunnion, John |
(Ireland) |
University College Dublin |
Edwards, Stephen H. |
(United States) |
Virginia Tech |
Eksioglu, Kamil Murat |
(Turkey) |
Vodafone Teknoloji |
El Kashlan, Ahmed |
(Egypt) |
Arab Academy for Science and Technology |
Elsas, Alexander |
(Germany) |
Goethe University Frankfurt |
Emdad, F. |
(United States) |
University of Texas Medical Branch |
Epps, Julien |
(Australia) |
University of New South Wales |
Erkollar, Alptekin |
(Turkey) |
Sakarya Üniversitesi |
Ethiraj, Thandapani |
(India) |
Periyar University |
Faghri, Ardeshir |
(United States) |
University of Delaware |
Fang, Zhonghua |
(United States) |
Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics |
Feng, Yaokai |
(Japan) |
Kyushu University |
Filippi, Stefano |
(Italy) |
University of Udine |
Fletcher, Amy |
(New Zealand) |
University of Canterbury |
Flynn, Don |
(United States) |
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Fogelholm, Mikael |
(Finland) |
Academy of Finland Communications |
Fonseca Casas, Pau |
(Spain) |
Technical University of Catalonia |
Franza, Olivier |
(United States) |
Intel Corporation |
Fratino, Umberto |
(Italy) |
Polytechnic of Bari |
Freney, S. J. |
(Australia) |
The University of New South Wales |
Fu, Xiuju |
(Singapore) |
Institute of High Performance Computing |
Fujikawa, Takemi |
(Australia) |
University of Western Sydney |
Fumizawa, Motoo |
(Japan) |
Shonan Institute of Technology |
Furst, Jacob D. |
(United States) |
DePaul University |
Gagnon, Francois |
(Canada) |
School of High Technology |
Gamal, Yosr |
(Egypt) |
National Institute of Laser Enhanced Sciences |
Ganapathi, Laxminarayana |
(United States) |
RTI International |
Ganapathi, Nanthini |
(United States) |
Research Triangle Institute |
Garai, Gautam |
(India) |
Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Garcia, Leonardo |
(Mexico) |
Innovaciones Telematicas |
García, Alberto Eloy |
(Spain) |
University of Cantabria |
García-Atanacio, César |
(Mexico) |
National Nuclear Research Institute |
García-Zambrana, Antonio |
(Spain) |
University of Malaga |
Gebre, Biruk A. |
(United States) |
Stevens Institute of Technology |
Georgescu, Vasile |
(Romania) |
University of Craiova |
Georgiev, Svetlin |
(Bulgaria) |
Technical University of Sofia |
Gervasi, Osvaldo |
(Italy) |
University of Perugia |
Gesekus, Tim |
(Germany) |
Deutsche Flugsicherung |
Gnana Dhas, C. Suresh |
(India) |
Velmultitech SRS Engineering College |
Gnanamani, Arumugam |
(India) |
Central Leather Research Institute |
Goebel, Peter Michael |
(Austria) |
Karl-Landsteiner Gesellschaft Institute for Biotelematics |
Goel, Gaurav |
(India) |
Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology |
Goh, Guan Gan (Gerald) |
(Malaysia) |
Multimedia Univerity |
González Colín, Mireya |
(Mexico) |
Center for Life Cycle Analysis and Sustainable Design |
Goria, Stéphane |
(France) |
Université Nancy 2 |
Goriachkin, Oleg |
(Russian Federation) |
Volga State Academy of Telecommunication and Informatics |
Goulding, Tom |
(United States) |
Daniel Webster College |
Guedes de Souza, Sergio |
(Brazil) |
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro |
Gui, M. W. |
(Taiwan) |
National Taipei University of Technology |
Gupta, M. P. |
(India) |
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Gupta, Vijay |
(India) |
Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology |
Haba, Cristian-Gyözö |
(Romania) |
"Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iași |
Haddad, Hisham |
(United States) |
Kennesaw State University |
Hamad, Ahmed |
(Egypt) |
Ain Shams University |
Hangai, Seiichiro |
(Japan) |
Tokyo University of Science |
Hartono, Rachmat |
(United States) |
BCL Technologies Inc. |
Hashimoto, Shigehiro |
(Japan) |
Kogakuin University |
Hayet Farida, Merouani |
(Algeria) |
Badji Mokhtar University Annaba |
Heilman, Phil |
(United States) |
U.S. Department of Agriculture |
Hendel, Russell Jay |
(United States) |
Towson University |
Henninger, Michael |
(Germany) |
PH Weingarten |
Herr, Stephan |
(Germany) |
Deutsche Flugsicherung |
Ho, Liangwei |
(Taiwan) |
Oklahoma State University |
Hofmeister, Helge |
(Belgium) |
BASF it Services |
Hoh, Carl |
(United States) |
University California San Diego |
Horne, Jeremy |
(United States) |
Maricopa Community College |
Hoummada, Abdeslam |
(Morocco) |
University Hassan II Ain Chock |
Hsu, Pai-Hui |
(Taiwan) |
National Taiwan University |
Hwang, Seong Sik |
(South Korea) |
Korea Atomic Energy Reserch Institute |
Iembo, Rosanna |
(Italy) |
University of Calabria |
Inkinen, Tommi |
(Finland) |
University of Helsinki |
Innet, Supachate |
(Thailand) |
University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce |
Ishikawa, Hiroshi |
(Japan) |
Niigata University of International and Information Studies |
Ito, Akinori |
(Japan) |
Tohoku University |
Janota, Ales |
(Slovakia) |
University of Zilina |
Jäntschi, Lorentz |
(Romania) |
Academic Direct Organization |
Jenq, John |
(United States) |
Monclair State University |
Jia, Lei |
(United States) |
New York University |
Julie, Hester |
(South Africa) |
University of the Western Cape |
Jung, Namsu |
(South Korea) |
Kongju National University |
Kadoch, Michel |
(Canada) |
School of High Technology |
Kalra, Harinder Pal Singh |
(India) |
Punjabi University |
Kamrani, Ehsan |
(United States) |
Harvard University |
Kaneko, Itaru |
(Japan) |
Nagoya City University |
Kao, Chih-Yang |
(Taiwan) |
Yuan Ze University |
Karlsson, Johan M. |
(Sweden) |
Lund University |
Karunaratne, J. A. |
(Sweden) |
Karlstad University |
Kawaguchi, Masashi |
(Japan) |
Suzuka National College of Technology |
Khan, Sirajul Alam |
(Bangladesh) |
Rahshahi University of Engineering and Technology |
Khmelevsky, Youry |
(Canada) |
Okanagan College |
Kim, Yong-Gi |
(South Korea) |
Gyeongsang National University |
Kitagawa, Kazuhiro |
(Japan) |
World Wide Web Consortium Keio |
Klapp, Jaime |
(Mexico) |
National Nuclear Research Institute |
Kobal, Damjan |
(Slovenia) |
University of Ljubljana |
Kobti, Ziad |
(Canada) |
University of Windsor |
Koleva, Maria |
(Bulgaria) |
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences |
Koubaa, Ahmed |
(Canada) |
University du Québec |
Kouki, A. |
(Canada) |
School of High Technology |
Koulouvari, Panagiota |
(Sweden) |
Stockholm School of Economics |
Krakowska, Monika |
(Poland) |
Jagiellonian University |
Kreisler, Alain |
(France) |
University of Paris-Sud |
Kromrey, Jeffrey D. |
(United States) |
University of South Florida |
Krovvidy, Srinivas |
(United States) |
Fannie Mae |
Kulshreshtha, Digvijay |
(India) |
National Institute of Technology |
Kurita, Takio |
(Japan) |
Hiroshima University |
La Torre, Davide |
(Italy) |
University of Milan |
Laksmivarahan, S. |
(United States) |
University of Oklahoma |
Latchman, Haniph A. |
(United States) |
University of Florida |
Lau, Newman |
(Hong Kong) |
Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
Lee, Jae-Suk |
(South Korea) |
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology |
Lee, Jang Hee |
(South Korea) |
University of Technology and Education |
Lee, Jong Kun |
(South Korea) |
Changwon National University |
Lee, Suk Bong |
(South Korea) |
Samsung Electronics, R. O. Korea |
Lee, Yih-Jiun |
(Taiwan) |
Chienkuo Technology University |
Leu, Fang-Yie |
(Taiwan) |
Tunghai University |
Levin, Bruce |
(United States) |
University of South Florida |
Li, Jianxin |
(China) |
Beihang University |
Li, Zhiheng |
(China) |
Tsinghua University |
Lin, Huan Yu |
(Taiwan) |
National Chiao Tung University |
Lin, Shu-Chiung |
(Taiwan) |
Tatung University |
Lin, Wei-Kuo |
(Taiwan) |
Tatung University |
Liu, Jun |
(United Kingdom) |
University of Ulster |
Liu, Shih-Chi |
(Taiwan) |
Tatung University |
Liu, Shyhchang |
(Taiwan) |
I-Shou University |
Liu, Xiumin |
(United States) |
University of Akron |
Lizano-Dimare, Maria |
(United States) |
Sacred Heart University |
Lizano-DiMare, Maria |
(United States) |
Sacred Heart University |
Lloret Mauri, Jaime |
(Spain) |
Polytechnic University of Valencia |
López Zafra, Juan Manuel |
(Spain) |
Complutense University of Madrid |
Lou, Shi Jer |
(Taiwan) |
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology |
Lu, Yao |
(China) |
Beijing Institute of Technology |
Lyuu, Yuh-Dauh |
(Taiwan) |
National Taiwan University |
Magaña, Edgar |
(Spain) |
Polytechnic University of Catalunya |
Maggiore, Giulio |
(Italy) |
Telecom Italia |
Magnani, Lorenzo |
(Italy) |
University of Pavia |
Majewski, Maciej |
(Poland) |
Technical University of Koszalin |
Marlowe, Thomas |
(United States) |
Seton Hall University |
Martínez, Lorenzo |
(Mexico) |
Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico |
Martínez, Manuel |
(Mexico) |
Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico |
Martinho, Carla |
(Portugal) |
Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa |
Mascari, Jean-François |
(Italy) |
National Research Council |
Masoumi, Nasser |
(Iran) |
University of Tehran |
Masuko, Mayumi |
(Japan) |
Waseda University |
Matsumoto, Kazunori |
(Japan) |
KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc. |
McCall, Scott |
(United States) |
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
McFarlane, Penney |
(Australia) |
University of Wollongong |
Melas, Viatcheslav |
(Russian Federation) |
Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University |
Mellouli, Sehl |
(Canada) |
Laval University |
Migliarese, Piero |
(Italy) |
University of Calabria |
Mikulecký, Peter |
(Czech Republic) |
University of Hradec Kralove |
Minea, Alina Adriana |
(Romania) |
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi |
Mitchell, Charles |
(United States) |
Grambling State University |
Mitrovic, Frane |
(Croatia) |
University of Split |
Mohmad Hassim, Yana Mazwin |
(Malaysia) |
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia |
Monti, Marina |
(Italy) |
Institute of Applied Mathematic and Information Technology |
Moreau, Alban |
(France) |
University of Brest |
Moulavi, Mohammad Amir |
(Iran) |
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad |
Mugellesi Dow, Roberta |
(Germany) |
European Space Agency |
Mura, Gianluca |
(Italy) |
Polytechnic University of Milan |
Muraleedharan, Rajani |
(United States) |
Syracuse University |
Muravnik, Andrey |
(Russian Federation) |
Moscow State Aviation Institute |
Musikhin, Sergey |
(Canada) |
University of Toronto at Mississauga, Research Associate |
Musmarra, Paolo |
(Italy) |
University of Salerno. ITALY |
Nagy, Endre |
(Japan) |
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers |
Nahmens, Isabelina |
(United States) |
University of Central Florida |
Nakache, Didier |
(France) |
CEDRIC Laboratory |
Natriello, Gary |
(United States) |
Columbia University |
Nawawi, S. W. |
(Malaysia) |
Technology University of Malaysia |
Nawawi, S. W. |
(Malaysia) |
University Technology of Malaysia |
Neaga, Elena Irina |
(United Kingdom) |
University of Wales Trinity Saint David |
Nejat, Goldie |
(United States) |
State University of New York at Stony Brook |
Nejjari, Fatiha |
(Spain) |
Polytechnic University of Catalonia |
Netisopakul, Ponrudee |
(Thailand) |
King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang |
Ng, Robin |
(United States) |
Goodwin Biotechnology, Inc. |
Niculescu, Virginia |
(Romania) |
Babes-Bolyai University |
Nogueira, Rogerio |
(Portugal) |
Institute of Telecommunications |
Noh, Bong Nam |
(South Korea) |
Chonnam National University |
Novikov, Oleg |
(Russian Federation) |
Tomko, Inc. |
Ntoutsi, Irene |
(Greece) |
University of Piraeus |
Oberer, Birgit |
(Turkey) |
Kadir Has University |
Oberer, Birgit |
(Turkey) |
Sakarya University |
Odella, Francesca |
(Italy) |
University of Trento |
Oh, Sun Jin |
(South Korea) |
Semyung University |
Oliveira Jr., Vani |
(Brazil) |
Federal University of ABC |
Olla, Phillip |
(United States) |
Madonna University |
Omidvar, Hedayat |
(Iran) |
National Iranian Gas Company |
Opara, Linus |
(Oman) |
Sultan Qaboos University |
Ophir, Dan |
(Israel) |
Ariel University Center of Samaria |
Ostergaard, Soren Duus |
(Denmark) |
IBM Europe |
Overmeyer, Ludger |
(Germany) |
University of Hannover |
Ozdemir, Serhan |
(Turkey) |
İzmir Institute of Technology |
P., Reji |
(India) |
Government Engineering College |
Pakstas, Algirdas |
(United Kingdom) |
London Metropolitan University |
Pal, Umapada |
(Mexico) |
Puebla Autonomous University |
Patel, Kirit |
(United Kingdom) |
Middlesex University |
Pécatte, Jean-Marie |
(France) |
University Paul Sabatier-Toulouse 3 |
Pedrycz, Witold |
(Canada) |
University of Alberta |
Peng, Jian |
(Canada) |
University of Saskatchewan |
Pereira, Elisabeth |
(Portugal) |
University of Aveiro |
Perez, Luisa |
(United States) |
Emporia State University |
Pérez-Álvarez, César |
(United States) |
William Paterson University |
Phillips, C. Dianne |
(United States) |
NorthWest Arkansas Community College |
Pigliapoco, Erika |
(Italy) |
Urbino University |
Pitteri, Mario |
(Italy) |
University of Padova |
Pochiraju, Kishore |
(United States) |
Stevens Institute of Technology |
Podaru, Vasile |
(Romania) |
Military Technical Academy |
Polanski, Andrzej |
(Poland) |
Silesian University of Technology |
Poncelow, Kenneth |
(United States) |
Weld County Sheriff's Office |
Prakasam, C. P. |
(India) |
Retired Professor, IIPS |
Praus, Petr |
(Czech Republic) |
Charles University in Prague |
Qiao, Jian-Ping |
(China) |
Shandong University |
Qidwai, Uvais |
(Qatar) |
Qatar University |
Qu, Junfeng |
(United States) |
Clayton State University |
Rachev, Boris |
(United States) |
Technical University of Varna |
Radziukynas, Virginijus |
(Lithuania) |
Lithuanian Energy Institute |
Rafaf, Mustapha |
(Canada) |
School of High Technology |
Ramesh B., Inampudi |
(India) |
Acharya Nagarjuna University |
Ramessur, Roshan |
(Mauritius) |
University of Mauritius |
Raviraja, S. |
(Sudan) |
University of Medical Sciences and Technology |
Régis, Sébastien |
(Guadeloupe) |
University of West French Indies |
Repa, Václav |
(Czech Republic) |
University of Economics in Prague |
Revetria, Roberto |
(Italy) |
University of Genova |
Reyes-González, Leonardo |
(United States) |
Carnegie Mellon University |
Riyahi Alam, Nader |
(Iran) |
Tehran University of Medical Sciences |
Rocha, João |
(Portugal) |
Polytechnic of Porto |
Rocha, João |
(Portugal) |
Polythechnic Instituto of Oporto |
Rodrigues, Joao |
(Portugal) |
University of Madeira |
Rodríguez Lozano, Gloria I. |
(Colombia) |
National University of Colombia |
Roeder, Stefan |
(Germany) |
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research |
Ruuskanen, Pekka |
(Finland) |
Tampere University of Technology |
Saad, Inès |
(France) |
Groupe Sup de Co Amiens Picardie |
Saiti, Anna |
(Greece) |
Harokopio University |
Sánchez Salguero, Hugo |
(Mexico) |
National Polytechnic Institute |
Santos, Alberdan |
(Brazil) |
Federal University of Pará |
Savva, Andreas |
(Cyprus) |
University of Nicosia |
Schaeffer, Donna M. |
(United States) |
Marymount University |
Schafer, Burkhard |
(United Kingdom) |
University of Edinburgh |
Schrader, P. G. |
(United States) |
University of Nevada, Las Vegas |
Schuepbach, Evi |
(Switzerland) |
University of Bern |
Schumacher, Jens |
(Austria) |
University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg |
Segall, Richard S. |
(United States) |
Arkansas State University |
Seyed-Abbassi, Behrooz |
(United States) |
University of North Florida |
Shaikh, Fouzul Azim |
(India) |
Krishna Institute of Engineering and Technology |
Shanker, Udai |
(India) |
M. M. M. Engineering College Gorakhpur |
Sharma, Mahendra |
(India) |
Ganpat University |
Shaw, Jill |
(United Kingdom) |
The Open University |
Shestakov, Nick |
(Russian Federation) |
Kirensky Institute of Physics |
Shin, Jungpil |
(Japan) |
University of Aizu |
Shtrakov, Stanko |
(Bulgaria) |
South-West University |
Sinkunas, Stasys |
(Lithuania) |
Kaunas University of Technology |
Slowik, Adam |
(Poland) |
Koszalin University of Technology |
Smith, Deann |
(United States) |
Berkeley University of California |
Sokolov, Sergey |
(Russian Federation) |
Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics |
Srivastava, Smriti |
(India) |
Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology |
Staicu, Vasile |
(Portugal) |
University of Aveiro |
Stanz, Karel |
(South Africa) |
University of Johannesburg |
Strate, Lance |
(United States) |
Fordham University |
Strugar, Ivan |
(Croatia) |
University of Zagreb |
Su, J. L. |
(China) |
Quanzhou Normal University |
Su, Wei |
(United States) |
National University of Defense Technology |
Su, Wen-Ray |
(Taiwan) |
National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction |
Sukumaran, Nair |
(United States) |
Southern Methodist University |
Sun, Baolin |
(China) |
Wuhan University |
Sun, Yihe |
(China) |
Tsinghua University |
Sutherland, Trudy |
(South Africa) |
Vaal University of Technology |
Szygenda, Stephen A. |
(United States) |
Southern Methodist University |
Tadj, Chakib |
(Canada) |
University of Quebec at Montreal |
Talat, Samer |
(Taiwan) |
National Chiao Tung University |
Tam, Wing K. |
(Australia) |
Swinburne University of Technology |
Tarnikova, Yuliya |
(United States) |
BCL Technologies Inc. |
Tchier, Fairouz |
(United States) |
King Saud University |
Teng, Chia-Chi |
(United States) |
Brigham Young University |
Thangavelu, Arunkumar |
(India) |
VIT University |
Theologou, Michael |
(Greece) |
National Technical University of Athens |
Thomas, J. Joshua |
(Malaysia) |
University Sains Malaysia & KDU College, Penang |
Thornton, Mitchell A. |
(United States) |
Southern Methodist University |
Thurasamy, Ramayah |
(Malaysia) |
University of Science, Malaysia |
Tokat, Sezai |
(Turkey) |
Pamukkale University |
Trahan, Shane |
(United States) |
RTI International |
Trbojevic, Stevan |
(Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
University East Sarajevo |
Tripathi, Purnendu |
(Saudi Arabia) |
Arab Open University |
Truyol, Albert |
(France) |
Tseng, Juin-Ling |
(Taiwan) |
Chung Yuan Christian University |
Ucan, Osman N. |
(Turkey) |
Istanbul University |
Ugarte, Luxio |
(Spain) |
Mondragon University |
Useille, Philippe |
(France) |
University of Valenciennes and Hainaut-Cambresis |
Väänänen, Kalervo |
(Finland) |
University of Turku |
Valverde, Manuel |
(Spain) |
University of Jaen |
Van de Giesen, Nick |
(Netherlands) |
Delft University of Technology |
Vasant, Pandian |
(Malaysia) |
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS |
Vasilache, Simona |
(Japan) |
University of Tsukuba |
Vergara Villegas, Osslan O. |
(Mexico) |
National Center for Research and Technological Development |
Verma, Pramode |
(United States) |
University of Oklahoma |
Vinod, D. S. |
(India) |
Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering |
Visaggio, Corrado Aaron |
(Italy) |
University of Sannio |
Vives, Margarita |
(Spain) |
Universitat de les Illes Balears |
Vlachos, Ilias |
(Greece) |
Agricultural University of Athens |
Von Putlitz, Ignacio |
(Mexico) |
Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education |
Vukadinovic, Dinko |
(Croatia) |
University in Split |
Walter J., Ammann |
(Switzerland) |
Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research Davos |
Wang, Chuan-Ju |
(Taiwan) |
National Taiwan University |
Wang, David |
(Taiwan) |
Hsuan Chuang University |
Wang, Lei |
(United States) |
University of Houston |
Wang, Ling |
(United States) |
University of Oklahoma |
Wang, Shuangyin |
(China) |
Northwest A&F University |
Wei, Xinzhou |
(United States) |
City University of New York |
Williams, H. James |
(United States) |
Fisk University |
Wilson, Ralph |
(United States) |
Florida State University |
Wolfengagen, Viacheslav |
(Russian Federation) |
Institute for Contemporary Education “JurInfoR-MSU” |
Woo, Chaw-Seng |
(Australia) |
Queensland University of Technology |
Wu, Chun Yin |
(Taiwan) |
Tatung University |
Wu, Shang-Yu |
(Taiwan) |
National Science & Technology Center for Disaster Reduction |
Yamamoto, Daisuke |
(Japan) |
Nagoya University |
Yamano, Takuya |
(Japan) |
Kanagawa University |
Yang, Hung Jen |
(Taiwan) |
National Kaohsiung Normal University |
Young, Jieh-Shian |
(Taiwan) |
National Changhua University of Education |
Zabian, Arwa |
(Jordan) |
Jadara University |
Zaitseva, Elena N. |
(Slovakia) |
University of Zilina |
Zeiner, Herwig |
(Austria) |
Joanneum Research |
Zhang, Weihai |
(China) |
Shandong University |
Zhang, Yachong |
(China) |
Flight Automatic Control Research Institute |
Zheng, Huiyong |
(United States) |
University of Michigan |
Zhu, Hui |
(China) |
Soochow University |
Zhu, Jianming |
(China) |
Central University of Finance and Economics |
Zschenderlein, Dirk |
(Germany) |
Textile Research Institute Thuringia Vogtland |