The 16th International Conference on
Society and Information Technologies: ICSIT 2025©
March 25 - 28, 2025  ~  Virtual Conference
Organized by IIIS
in Orlando, Florida, USA.
*** Registered authors can download their conference materials (receipt, certificate, and Proceedings) by clicking here. ***

  Program Committee

The Program Committee is mostly formed by 1) the authors of the sessions' best papers of ICSIT 2024; 2) its effective invited session organizers who also were co-editors of the conference proceedings; and 3) some members of past IIIS Conferences, who were also authors of best papers. (Those who manifested no interest in participating in the Program Committee have been removed).

Program Committee Chair
 Prof. Michael Savoie, USA  

Ahmad, Imran (Canada) Cloudanum Inc.
Alhayyan, Khalid N. (Saudi Arabia) Institute of Public Administration
Basmer-Birkenfeld, Sissy-Ve (Germany) Helmut Schmidt University
Bönke, Dietmar (Germany) Reutlingen University
Bulegon, Ana Marli (Brazil) Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Dani, Erzsebet (Hungary) University of Debrecen
Du Toit, Jaco (Kenya) UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa
Ibujés Villacís, Juan (Ecuador) The National Polytechnic University
Kofune, Yasuyo (Japan) Osaka Prefectural Yodogawa Technology High School
Krenz, Pascal (Germany) Helmut Schmidt University
Makamba, Makaziwe (South Africa) University of South Africa and Council for Science and Industrial Research
Menéndez, Esteban (Argentina) CAETI
Moore, Andrew (South Africa) Neil Butcher and Associates
Nwokeocha, Steve (Nigeria) University of Calabar, Calabar
Nyangoma, Vincentie (Rwanda) Rwanda Education Board
Olagunju, Amos (United States) St. Cloud State University
Ramos, Doris Cáliz (Spain) Polytechnic University of Madrid
Redlich, Tobias (Germany) Helmut Schmidt University
Wallet, Peter (Rwanda) UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa
Wulfsberg, Jens P. (Germany) Helmut Schmidt University

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